Crystal Properties

Please note: The descriptions, meanings and properties of crystals are provided for interest and as a guide and should not be considered as a substitute for traditional medicine or advice. Always consult your GP or healthcare provider if you have any worrying symptoms.

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Agate is the stone of strength.  It soothes and harmonizes the mind, body and spirit.  It helps to heal emotional trauma, inner anger and tension, to bring about a sense of safety and security.

This stone improves concentration and enhances mental function and analytical abilities.  Agate has a powerful cleansing effect on both the emotional and physical levels.  Whilst the Agates work gently and slowly, they do tend to have a lasting effect.

Although Agate naturally occurs in many colours, it is also often dyed in bold bright colours as well.

Blue Agate encourages smooth communication and self-confidence.

Blue Lace Agate (please see below).

Dentritic Agate (also known as Tree Agate) helps you have a strong connection to the earth.  In addition to the properties of Agate, Dentritic Agate brings stability and completeness in all areas of life.  It encourages the enjoyment of each moment and helps to create a peaceful environment.  It gives the ability to see difficulties as a challenge and help you understand your own needs and emotions.  This stone also assists in healing the nervous system and stimulating the circulatory system and has a powerful cleansing effect.     

Green Agate is said to have great healing powers.

Moss Agate is very useful for long-lasting endurance in life and giving you steady energy.

Pink Agate is a heart healing stone and enhances the loving connection between parent and child.

Teal Agate (Brazilian) stabilises physical energy and brings about physical and emotional balance.  This is a stone that brings great strength as well as harmonizing yin and yang.

Purple Agate is believed to awaken your true inner self and encourages love and happiness.   


Amazonite is a soothing stone which helps to calm the brain and nervous system, whilst aligning the whole body. It can soothe emotional traumas to ease worries and fears, whilst helping you to see both sides of a problem or consider different points of view.

This stone has a powerful filtering action, which can aid in maintaining good health. It is often used to soothe energies in the home and workplace by absorbing microwaves, mobile phone emissions and other electromagnetic pollution.


Amber is a great stone to use for absorbing pain (especially when worn next to the skin) and negative energy. It is a popular stone to use for soothing teething pain in babies.

This stone gives courage and dissolves feelings of uncertainty. It brings wisdom, patience and self confidence and encourages decision making. Amber is a comforting stone and it helps you find inner peace. It also provides protection and emotional healing.


Amethyst is a very powerful and protective stone. It guards against ill-wishing and helps to dispel negative emotions by turning this energy into love.

Amethyst relieves stress, balances mood swings, dispels fear and anxiety and is a natural tranquiliser. It helps you become more focused and motivated, as well as enhancing the memory.

This stone helps with insomnia and has a sobering effect on over-indulgence. It is a great stone for meditation.


Angelite has a peaceful energy which is both soothing and calming.  This stone is particularly helpful during emotionally difficult times and assists in dispelling anxiety, fear and anger.

Bringing peace and tranquillity, Angelite allows us to communicate in a clear and concise way.  Being a balancing stone, it also helps to provide protection for both the body and the environment.  It is also a powerful stone for healers.


Aragonite encourages conversation and recycling, by providing strength and support, enabling you to overcome difficult situations involving stress or anxiety.

It improves clarity of thought and clears unwanted energy from the body.

Being a calming stone, it helps to combat anger and emotional stress. Aragonite is a grounding stone and helps acceptance of one-self.


Aragonite encourages conversation and recycling, by providing strength and support, enabling you to overcome difficult situations involving stress or anxiety.  It improves clarity of thought and clears unwanted energy from the body.  Being a calming stone, it helps to combat anger and emotional stress.  Aragonite is a grounding stone and helps acceptance of one-self.    


Aura Quartz combines the master healing of clear quartz together with the unique healing of precious metals.  It increases strength, courage and endurance, as well as a great stone to use for enhancing mediation.  In addition, it can protect the body from electromagnetic fields.

Apple Aura Quartz is a bright fresh green colour which has been bonded with nickel.  It has exceptional qualities for releasing stress and negativity and helps you to release yourself from sources of unhealthy emotional ties. 

This stone has a calm and relaxing effect and brings emotional stability.  It is said to be good for protecting energy levels and to help the immune system.  It also assists in bringing the mind, body and thoughts into balance.

 Lavender Aura Quartz is clear quartz that has been enhanced with Platinum and Magnesium.  Having the master healing of clear quartz, Lavender Aura Quartz gives a sense of joy and happiness and enhances mediation. 


Blue Aventurine heals emotional trauma and has the power to restore our inner child.

Green Aventurine is a powerful stone and one of opportunity, as well as being a stone of calmness and patience.  It can help dissolve negative thoughts and emotions and replace them with self-confidence, in the knowledge that we are able to create a happy future. It helps the release of old habits and patterns of behaviour to leave one free to change for the better.

This stone gives us the confidence to handle change and new situations, as well as seeing the joyful side of life. It can also be used as a sleep aid, as it has a calming effect on the mind.

The Green Aventurine has long been thought of to bring good luck and opportunity, as well as being the most powerful of all of the Aventurine colours.

Red Aventurine is a stone that increases strength and encourages us to take action and stay in the present.  It is both grounding and stimulating stone and known to re-vitalise your energy and boost vitality.

It can provide emotional, mental and physical healing, which may help you towards a more balanced and contented life. It encourages us to live with great courage and integrity.

The Red Aventurine stone gently encourages us to be honest – about who we are and what we most want in our lives. 


Blue Lace Agate is a nurturing and supportive stone.

This beautiful stone gently brings a sense of peace, as it soothes and calms the nerves and an overactive mind. It is a great emotional healing stone and has a powerful yet delicate energy about it.

Being a nurturing and supportive stone, it assists in the expression of thoughts and feelings. It allows you to speak your truth, without the fear of being judged.

Blue Lace Agate can neutralise any negative and angry emotions that you may be feeling. It enhances feelings of peace and can aid peaceful sleep.


Blue Quartz helps you to express yourself in a creative way and to speak your truth. It is a calming stone and brings a peaceful and relaxing ambience to any situation.

It brings self discipline and good organisation and is a great communication stone. It also encourages forgiveness and promotes happiness, helping you find mental clarity.

Blue Quartz can assist in cleansing the aura and the toughest of energy blockages. It is said to enhance the immune system and assist in detoxification.


Bloodstone is a protective and powerful healing stone. It stimulates the immune system and is an excellent blood cleanser.

Calming the mind, it also enhances creativity and decision making and the energy of this stone will help you to grow and become stronger.  It also helps to revitalise an exhausted mind and body,  Bloodstone also heightens your intuition and grounds and protects you.  


Calcite comes in a variety of colours and is a great cleanser of energy.  Good to have in the home as it will remove negative energy.

It removes fear and overcomes depression and is a highly energising stone.  Calcite assists in the ability to learn and makes a great stone for students.  The Orange Calcite promotes creativity and boosts energy for when you are feeling low.

Citrine Calcite enhances meditation abilities and mental energies.

Green Calcite absorbs negative energies and aids mental healing and letting go of the past.

Orange Calcite is a stone to enhance your creativity and encourages peace and harmony.


Carnelian is a stabilising and grounding stone and helps anchor you in the present. It calms anger and overcomes negativity and protects against envy and resentment. Carnelian assists in trusting yourself and your own perceptions.

It is excellent for stimulating creativity, motivation and vitality. It can also be used to cleanse other stones, by placing them all together in a bag.


Chakra incorporates seven different gemstones.  Each one is associated to one of the seven Chakras, which are each connected to a region of the body and used in many healing systems.  The stones (chakras) shown here are:  Clear Quartz (Crown), Amethyst (Third Eye), Sodalite (Throat), Rose Quartz (Heart), Calcite (Solar Plexus), Carnelian (Navel) and Haematite (Root).


Chalcedony is a nurturing stone, as it brings the mind, body and emotions into harmony and dissolves negativity and feelings of self-pity or self-doubt.  It is also the perfect stone for increasing physical energy.

This stone emits a calming energy and can assist in calming irrational fear and anger and helps balance these emotions.  Being a powerful cleanser, it also builds self confidence and promotes compassion.

Blue Chalcedony encourages creative thinking.  It improves memory as well as listening and communication skills.  It is also a nurturing stone and will ease self-doubt and encourage confidence, optimism and bring peaceful solutions to conflicts.  It also absorbs negative energy.


Chevron Amethyst is a powerful stone, which combines the strengthening and enhancing properties of Quartz with the intuitive and stress relieving properties of Amethyst. Its bands form a distinctive triangular shape or chevron.

Having the same properties as Amethyst, this stone is especially good for releasing fears and finding inner strength. It has a calming and peaceful energy, making it an ideal stone for meditation, as it helps you connect to your higher self. Its energies help cleanse the aura and boost the immune system and an excellent healing crystal.

It also brings inner strength and courage and repels negative energies of all kinds, as well as bringing relaxation, peace of mind and self-discovery.


Crysocollat is the stone of communication. It helps you to express your feelings and promotes positive communication and encourages compassion for others.

Being a peaceful stone, it has a soothing and calming energy. It also helps to heal heartache and increases the capacity to love and make peace with the past.

Chrysocolla assists you in adjusting to changing situations and inspires wisdom and creativity


Citrine attracts wealth, success and prosperity into our lives. It enhances self-confidence, self-esteem, creativity, motivation and revitalises the mind.

This stone assists in balancing the emotions and helps to release fears and phobias, as well as negativity and depression.

Citrine is a good all round crystal as well as being a powerful cleanser and regenerator.


Clear Quartz is known as the Stone of Power and is thought to be able to work on any condition. Being a powerful healer, it works on all areas of the mind and body, as well as stimulating the immune system.

This stone regulates energy as well as enhancing awareness and concentration. It also brings strength and brings the body into balance. It dispels feelings of negativity and encourages positivity and perseverance.

Being a very versatile stone, Clear Quartz is also believed to amplify the effects of other crystals and clear stagnant energies.


Desert Rose enhances love and encourages you to not hold back, but to go forward with your dreams and to believe that anything is possible.

It helps provide clarity of mind and clear thinking and enhances love and team work. Desert Rose is also a great stone for meditation.

Being a natural crystal, it is formed from the combination of water, wind and sand.


Blue Goldstone is a stone of ambition and confidence.  It is a man-made stone and is made of quartz sand which is infused with copper particles, which gives the beautiful sparkles to this stone.   

Being an uplifting stone, it builds energy and increases motivation and drive.  It also gives confidence allowing you to accomplish any task and to achieve your goals.  This stone calms the mind and helps keep you grounded and it has a positive attitude and assists in evaluating risks.

Green Goldstone is calming and helps to clear your mind.  It is especially good for emotional healing and, being a protective stone, it deflects unwanted energies whilst revitalising your own energy field.

Like the Blue Goldstone, it is a man-made stone and contains copper, which may assist in the healing of pain and inflammation. 


Haematite (sometimes spelt Hematite) is very protective and grounding and is known as the Stone of the Mind.

It makes us feel safe and secure as it strengthens our connection with the earth. This stone also aids concentration and is particularly useful for people who are hyperactive. It stimulates focus and concentration, as well as enhancing the memory.

Good to help women who lack courage and, during times of anxiety or stress, Haematite is said to be good for absorbing negative energy.


Howlite is a very calming stone and aids sleep especially when the mind is over-active with racing thoughts. It strengthens the memory and helps you to focus.

Being a great stone to still the mind and reduce stress, Howlite encourages patience and is also good for concentration and meditation.  It is also a good stone to use for reducing muscle tension.

Although Howlite is naturally a white stone, it is also often dyed in other colours as well.

Green Howlite assists in letting go of old emotional wounds and making peace with what may be happening in your life. 

Lapis Howlite encourages a peaceful life.

Pink Howlite can help slow an over-active mind.

Purple Howlite is calming and encourages restful sleep.

Turquoise and Blue Howlite are gentle and soothing stones and bring a sense of security.  They also remind us that during times of change to be gentle to yourself.


Fluorite is a very protective stone and is mainly used for absorbing stress and negative energies of all kinds. It encourages positivity and increases self-confidence. Fluorite also improves concentration and decision making and is a good learning aid.

This stone helps to deal with any suppressed feelings, by bringing them to the surface so that they can be resolved.

On both a physical and emotional level, it also increases balance and co-ordination.


Jasper is the Supreme Nurturer. It is a stone of protection and absorbs all negative energies. Even in times of distress, Jasper holds and supports you and brings a sense of tranquillity and wholeness.

Being a comforting and supportive stone, when worn or carried, it promotes better thinking and helps keep one grounded.  Also, being a very protective stone, it protects the wearer from environmental and electromagnetic pollution.

Dalmation Jasper is an earth stone which helps to balance and ground you. It helps you to see strengths and weaknesses in others.

This stone relieves feelings of revenge and helps release lack of trust in others.  It protects you from negative influences and its energy encourages you to enjoy life and keep a sense of balance.  Dalmation Jasper also has a calming energy on pets.

Fancy Jasper is a stone of tranquillity. It eliminates sadness and fears, by gently replacing them with peace and serenity.  It calms and soothes the mind and enhances your ability to find calmness and peace of mind.

This stone eliminates fears from your life and brings protection.  Aids in concentration and self discipline and, like other Jaspers, it is a grounding stone.

Tiger Jasper is said to relieve emotional stress.

Tree Jasper may help you move forward in life.

Zebra Jasper is a wonderful grounding stone and one of optimism.  It recharges your energy and encourages you to turn your dreams into reality.

Strengthening relationships, it can bring a positive influence on your life and show you how to become more compassionate and understanding towards others.  Zebra Jasper helps balance our emotional bodies and is also a protective stone for the aura.


Labradorite is a stone of strength and transformation.

It reduces stress and encourages patience. Emotionally, Labradorite has a calming and harmonising effect which helps those who anger easily.

This stone helps to stabilise the digestive system and improves the memory.

It is particularly good for strengthening the intuition and assists in the clarification of one’s views and goals.

Being a protective stone, it helps deflect unwanted energy and is a good cleansing stone for the aura. It encourages change and is particularly beneficial when used in meditation.


Lapis Lazuli is a stone of wisdom and communication. It is particularly helpful to those who teach or take part in public speaking, as it inspires confidence, encourages creativity and allows self-expression.

Being a peaceful stone, it is believed to calm the mind and bring tranquillity.


Lepidolite is a stone of transition and nurturing. It helps to reduce stress and depression and brings about emotional and mental balance. It is a calming stone and promotes relaxation.

This stone encourages clear thinking and decision making. It is also particularly helpful to students when they are studying.

Lepidolite can also be placed on your computer to help clear electromagnetic pollution.


Magnesite is both a calming and soothing stone and very popular to use for meditation. It also aids the process of imagination and creativity.

The stone helps to calm emotions and provides support when feeling fearful and nervous. It helps bring a positive attitude to life and encourages us to love ourselves and others, too, as well as strengthening our ability to be more attentive to others.


Mookaite is a supportive and nurturing stone. It assists in decision making and helps you embrace opportunities. It also encourages us to be honest with both ourselves and others.

This stone can help the wearer reduce their stress and soothe the nerves. Mookaite can also increase physical energy and stimulate the circulation, as well as strengthening the immune system.

It is said that Moonkaite can help counter the effects of ageing!


Moonstone is a stone for ‘New Beginnings’ and is especially useful during major life changes. It is also a stone of inner growth and strength and has a strong connection to the moon.

It calms stress and anxieties, as well as soothing and stabilising the emotions. It enhances intuition and promotes good fortune and success in love and business. Moonstone also aids digestion and eliminates toxins, as well as being a great stone for balancing both the male and female energies.

This stone has a calming effect on children, by soothing them at bedtime and encouraging sleep. It can also be beneficial to adults in dealing with insomnia.


New Jade is a gentle cleanser and purifier. It can help lift feelings of depression and if you are feeling anxious or stressed, just hold and focus on this stone and you will feel the wonderful energy.

This stone helps release fear of change and to look ahead with a positive outlook. It is a good all round healer, which brings balance to your life.

It is an excellent stone to use for meditation.


Obsidian is a grounding stone which anchors you back to reality. It is also known as ‘the Protector’.

This stone creates a safe place to work through emotional issues. It guards against negativity from others and yourself. Obsidian absorbs and dissolves anger, fear and criticism.

A very supportive stone, it gives strength to deal with any issues that you need to work through.

Obsidian Snow Flake is a stone of purity and it can remove negativity from a space and bring balance to the mind and body.  It is also a gentle and nurturing stone and is very protective by giving you a sense of solidity and security. 


Onyx is a strengthening stone, providing support in difficult or confusing situations and in times of great mental or physical stress.

Whilst bringing positive energy, Onyx also protects the user from negativity. It assists in giving personal strength, enabling you to become the master of your own destiny.

Onyx also aids learning lessons and allows you to be comfortable in your surroundings.


Opalite is a delicate stone – it picks up thoughts and feelings and returns them to source. It boosts self-esteem and gives strength in expressing our hidden feelings, by improving communication at all levels.

Although Opalite is an energizing stone, it can also soothe strained nerves and bring about a sense of calm and inner peace and is a good stone to use for relaxation.  It is also a great stone to use in meditation as it will give off a very soothing and calming energy.


Orthoceras are the fossilized remains of an extinct marine animal and they date back to around 400 million years old. 

Their properties are great for releasing whatever no longer services your higher purpose.  This fossil is said to help keep you grounded, whilst boosting confidence and promoting change.  Orthoceras is also said to reduce toxins, anxiety and stress as well as encouraging relaxation and helps balance the emotions.


Pyrite is a powerful and protective stone. It shields and protects and helps you make thoughtful decisions.

It enhances the memory and helps to recall relevant information when required, as well as giving you the strength and determination to take on new challenges. Pyrite is a stone of determination and persistence and it will help you keep on track until your objectives have been reached.

Being a very empowering stone, it is excellent for people who suffer from anxiety or excessive worrying, as it strengthens self-confidence and raises self-esteem, allowing you to see your situation more clearly.


Rhodonite is a calming stone and it is also said to be the stone of love and works in harmony with Rose Quartz.

The energy of this stone can ease stress and anger and encourage relaxation.  It also brings confidence and helps you to see all sides of a situation.  Rhodonite also provides emotional balance and harmony and is an extremely useful stone to promote love and joy into your life.  It also encourages forgiveness.  


Rose Quartz is known as the universal love stone. It encourages unconditional love, peace and compassion, soothing a broken heart and inspiring self-love.

This stone promotes understanding, trust and forgiveness. Helps balance you emotionally by dispelling negativity and replacing it with loving vibes.

Rose Quartz is calming after a traumatic event. It eases the grieving process and connects to you on an emotional level to enable you to heal. It is a perfect stone for all aspects of love.


Selenite is a calm yet powerful stone that brings peaceful energy.

Being a high vibration crystal, it helps bring clarity of mind and clear confusion and obstructions, in order to see the deeper picture and promote clear communication.  It is also often used to strengthen the memory.

Selenite is an ideal choice of stone for meditation. 


Sodalite is the stone of truth. It brings emotional balance, enhances self-esteem and brings calmness and order to the mind – it unites logic with intuition.

This stone stimulates your thoughts and improves communication. Sodalite can assist in getting rid of guilt and irrational fears. It can also boost the immune system and balance the metabolism.

Sodalite can also help prevent insomnia and calm panic attacks.


Tiger’s Eye is a protective stone and promotes mental clarity to assist in resolving dilemmas.

It helps to lift the mood and alleviate depression. Tiger’s Eye is useful for dispelling fear and anxiety and it heals issues of self worth to enable you to recognise your own abilities.  Tiger’s Eye aids in the recognition of your own needs and the needs of others.

This stone also assists in the healing of psychosomatic illnesses.

Blue Tiger’s Eye: A calming stone that releases stress.

Golden Tiger’s Eye: Helps in paying attention to detail. It also warns against complacency and assists in taking action from a place of reason rather than emotion.

Red Tiger’s Eye: A stimulating stone that provides motivation.

Rose Tiger’s Eye: Helps supplement your weaknesses.


Black Tourmaline is a very protective stone.  It neutralises internal conflicts and negative thoughts and turns them into positive energies.

This stone also protects against the ill effects from radiation and environmental pollutants.  Black Tourmaline does not absorb negative energy, it actually repels it.

Brown Tourmaline: In addition, Brown Tourmaline helps you to feel comfortable in social situations.

Green Tourmaline (Verdalite): In addition, Green Tourmaline stimulates happiness and a zest for life.

Pink Tourmaline In addition, Pink Tourmaline is a stone of love; for emotional healing, self-love and compassion.


Turquoise is a both a powerful and protective stone and it is said to help heal the mind, body and soul. It is also an excellent stone for exhaustion and panic attacks as it bring calmness to the mind, as well as giving strength and courage.

Turquoise is a stone that bring good luck. It helps in balancing the emotions, as well as healing old wounds.


Please note: The descriptions, meanings and properties of crystals are provided for interest and as a guide and should not be considered as a substitute for traditional medicine or advice. Always consult your GP or healthcare provider if you have any worrying symptoms.

The information, descriptions and guides that we provide on our website are taken from our own experiences and from research, articles, publications and books on this subject.

Crystals and stones offer an alternative approach to assist with healing. Although crystals may offer support to your healing, where a stone or crystal is said to have certain healing properties, it does not necessarily mean that you will benefit nor experience these. As with traditional medicine, everyone can respond in different ways, therefore, we cannot guarantee nor be responsible as to the effectiveness or results from crystals or stones that are purchased from our website.

Crystal Cabin would also like to add that any information you may receive, whether in writing, orally or electronically relating to crystals, stones or any such item purchased from our website, should be received and understood in the above context.

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